Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mummy is 2 for 2!!!

A while back we had a situation with a lunchable...I won! Well, it happened again! Once again, I won!!!
The other day when we were getting ready to go away and Geordie and I had to run to the grocery store. While there we passed by the canned spaghetti. Geordie saw the microwavable Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee things and started asking for one for lunch, explaining that all his friends eat them, "all the time Mummy!". As we were rushing around and I still had to pack I thought, why not! Plus I then wouldn't have to (A) make lunch and (B) clean up the dishes.
We get home, I heat it up, wait the minute that it says too and then put a spoon in it and give it to Geordie. He takes two bites, "oh Mummy, this is gross! I can't eat this, it 'sgusting! Can I have a sandwich and some cantlope?"
So instead Geordie enjoyed a peanut butter and jam sandwich (with REAL pb and REAL fruit jam on 100% whole wheat bread) with some cantelope on the side!!!

Once again I win the war on healthy food for my child and this time I wasn't even trying!!!! Now that's skills!!! I also had a smile on my face as I made the meal and then washed the hand!!! Yes Dad, you read hand!!!!

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