Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Holiday do or not to do?!?!

The holiday you send them? If so, to who? To people that you see everyday or just to those that really the only time you come into contact with them is by holding the Christmas card that they sent you?!!? When you think about it, does it make sense to send to either?!?
Actually, maybe that's more about the Christmas letter
Yes, the good 'ol Christmas letter...I enjoy receiving these. I also secretly enjoy writing them. What's better than talking (okay, writing) about yourself and your family with no interruptions? You can say all you want about how you don't brag, but there's no getting around it. Everyone does...really, think about it, how can you not brag, "Geordie is doing well in school, he is very social." Even though that is a fact, it's bragging. Goodness even me saying that Geordie is a bad ass (which he is and we love him dearly for it) is bragging that he's mischievous. Do you send those people who you see weekly an update on your family when they've been living through it all with you? Why do you send to those who you don't talk to anymore except for this one last connection? Also, with email, social networks, blogs how are you only in contact with them through Holiday mail?!?!?!
Really, my problem with the whole card/letter situation is finishing them. We all know that I have a problem with finishing things. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I didn't have a c-section.
This year, due to problems that have come up we have decided to not bother sending anything out. Unfortunately the same happened last year. Well, different situation, but same no cards! I'm hoping most people are reading this and not thinking that we just forgot them or worse took them off our 'wist'. To's to a great 2008 to all and don't take us off your 'wist', we're hoping to get the card/letter back and running next year!!!!

above: Geordie putting on the ornament he made at The Square in Carrollton

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