Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Parade

This is our fifth holiday season here and we finally went to the Christmas parade. Well, Geordie and I did. Callum was stuck working. First of all I can't believe that it's our fifth!!!!???!!!!
Anyway, we went with some friends and it was... interesting. I actually don't remember ever watching a parade. Being in them? Yes!! But watching them?!?!? Well, I now know why I've never watched one. BORING!!!!!
There are two high schools in Carrollton, one's marching band started it and the other finished it. In between there were church's, church's and more church's. With a couple of extras thrown in. Please notice's those guys that reenact the civil war stuff. I only thought that they were in movies!!!
We had a great time. Geordie was with his friends and I was with mine and it was great to be there and [actually] know some other people as well. It was a little weird to be watching a Christmas parade in the dark wearing a sweater. There's just something to be said for cold weather and chance of snow during the holidays!!!
Something that I find weird down here is that the people in the parade throw candy. I've never come across this before...does it sound normal?!?!?! Geordie of course likes it and I won't complain when a tootsie roll is thrown my way. But it's still a little weird to me.
All in all a good time was had by all and we still have some candy left for a four hour drive to Savannah tomorrow.

above: (1st pic) Geordie, Nora Jane & Jayley (2nd pic) Nora Jane, Jayley & Geordie
(3rd pic) reenactment studs!!


Alison said...

Oh yeah, they used to throw candy here too. Until last year that is, when some kid got hit by the wrapper on a piece of candy thrown by someone on a float and needed stitches. At least, that's the mother's story. I figure it was probably another kid who threw it at him, cause the people on the floats were actually passing out candy, not throwing it. Oh well, whatever, it's now against the rules to give out candy in the HRM parade. Instead they gave out glow sticks, which was pretty cool actually.

Lynn said...

Actually, I believe it was Mayor Peter Kelly that hit the kid with the candy. My friend who works for the city refers to the incident as "candy gate".

Alison said...

I'm still not convinced. If your kid got hit by candy, wouldn't you say it was the mayor to get in the papers? The mayor denies anyone was throwing candy, and certainly I didn't see anyone throwing candy last year, just sort of dropping handfuls in the direction of kids' outheld hands. I'm still saying that the glow sticks were cooler though.

Lynn said...

I loved the glow sticks!

Alison said...

Hey, this IS "Lynn will never be on facebook" Lynn, isnt' it?