Thursday, August 27, 2009

I am SO going to heaven!

A cute little 112 year old (not looking a day over 80, I might add!) arrived at the pearly gates;

St. Peter: "Yes my dear, what makes you worthy of entrance?"

Cute Little 112 year old: "I lived in rural Georgia for five years, 11 months, 5 of those years under the Bush Administration..."

...and with that the bells rang, the choirs sang and the gates burst open...

St. Peter: "Come in, come in, my dear. You have served your time in hell!"


Kevin said...

I've never agreed with you more!!!

106 years away from rural Georgia really is hell...

Alaina said...

Is that one of them there Gazebos [GEYZ-bohz] in that there picture?

Anonymous said...

Is that the gazebo in the Public Gardens in Halifax?? Do I win a prize if I guess right?

a fun random blog said...

Ha ha ha that's really funny!